motorized torpedo gif

The first design created was the motorized torpedo design. This design included all the electronics needed for propulsion inside the torpedo. The torpedo got the signal from Aflie to launch using a permanent electromagnet.

The next design that was the flywheel design which consisted of two wheels that would spin using a waterproof motor and propel a torpedo using friction. The flywheel design allowed the torpedo body’s design to be smaller and more hydrodynamic since the torpedo could be empty on the inside.

motorized torpedo gif
motorized torpedo gif

Currently the spring torpedo design is being tested and refined. It uses a block to hold back the force of the spring and a pull pin actuated by a servo to release this block and push the torpedo forward.


Early concept of spring torpedo where a lid slides to release the torpedo.

Spring torpedo testing with a pull pin.

Motorized torpedo testing for straightness and buoyancy.
